Can dogs eat celery?

Celery (dry celery) is a vegetable known for its crunchy stems and is often dipped in different sauces and served as a low-calorie snack. Its pungent flavor makes it a great topping for soups, salads, salsas and other dishes, while it can also add a delicious and nutritious complement to healthy shakes. Given all the possible uses for celery in your meals, you may be wondering: Can dogs eat celery? Is celery a vegetable that dogs can eat?

The good news is that celery is an edible vegetable for dogs. But like any other human food, it’s important to understand how celery affects your dog’s health before giving them a few bites. Read on to find out if celery is a valuable nutritional addition to your dog’s diet and what to look for when feeding it to your pet.

Is celery good for dogs?

Celery is just as good for your dog as it is for humans. This vegetable is a great source of dietary fiber, and giving your dog small amounts of celery is a way to mimic your dog’s ancestral diet, which used to meet their fiber needs by ingesting the hides, tendons, ligaments and already digested stomach contents of their prey.

Because celery is particularly rich in insoluble fiber, it can help relieve constipation in dogs by speeding up the flow of food through the colon. Celery also helps improve your pet’s overall health because it is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including

  • – Vitamin K
  • – Folic acid
  • – Potassium
  • – Manganese
  • – B vitamins
  • – Calcium
  • – Magnesium

Celery contains powerful anti-free radical-fighting antioxidants, including vitamins A and C, flavonoids and limonene, which may help protect your dog’s cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, which can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer and premature aging. Celery may also help dogs maintain optimal heart health, as studies have shown it has anti-hypertensive and lipid-lowering properties. Celery’s unique flavor also freshens your dog’s breath.

Is celery safe for dogs?

Generally speaking, celery is an edible vegetable for dogs. However, moderation is the key to ensuring that it does not disrupt your pet’s nutritious and balanced diet. Giving your pet too much celery may cause them to consume more fiber than they need, which is usually less than 5% of their diet – overconsumption of celery can lead to malabsorption of many important nutrients. DiarrheaOverconsumption of celery may also cause your dog to urinate more than usual because of celery’s diuretic properties.

Celery can choke, especially in puppies, so be sure to cut it into small pieces before feeding it to them. Another important warning you need to consider is the potential toxicity of pesticides in celery. Some celery is sprayed with insecticides or herbicides, depending on their source. If you’re not sure your celery is organic, then wash it thoroughly before throwing it into your pet’s food bowl.

Can cats eat celery?

Celery is also a safe and healthy vegetable for cats. But because cats are strictly carnivores, they have little desire to eat plants. As with dogs, adding a small amount of celery to a nutritionally balanced diet for cats is a good way to nourish their gut health (if they will eat it) because it helps mimic the way their ancestors ate in the wild, providing food-based roughage to help build the microbiome. Most cats don’t eat celery; if your cat is willing to eat it, it’s safe to let them nibble on a small piece.

Adding celery to your dog’s diet

Celery is one of your best bets if you’re looking for a healthy alternative to harmful pet snacks like rawhide. This affordable vegetable contains a variety of nutrients that are good for your pet’s health. Finely chopped or minced – There are many ways to add celery to your pet’s diet. Be sure not to feed your pet too much celery (no more than 5% of their total dietary intake), as celery can cause severe diarrhea.

Celery FAQ

Q: Can dogs eat raw celery or cooked celery?

A: Yes, dogs can = eat raw celery or cooked celery.

Q: Is celery toxic to dogs?

A: Organic celery does not contain compounds that are toxic to dogs. However, some celery may be sprayed with pesticides and herbicides that may harm your pet’s health, so make sure you only buy from trusted organic sources.

Q: Is celery toxic to cats?

A: Celery is generally safe for cats, just make sure to eat it in moderation.

Q: Can dogs eat celery leaves?

A: Yes, they can. Celery leaves are safe for dogs, although they are often removed because dogs may find them to be bad tasting.

Q: Are dogs allergic to celery?

A: Every dog has a different sensitivity to celery. Although exceptionally rare, some dogs can be allergic to this vegetable like humans.

Q: Can dogs eat celery seeds?

A: Yes, they can. Not only are celery seeds safe, but they are also helpful in detoxifying your pet’s body and digestive system, making them a great nutritional addition to your pet’s diet.

5 Vegetables Dogs Can’t Eat

Vegetables are essential ingredients in people’s daily lives and can provide nutrients such as a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential to the human body. For dogs, vegetables are also a necessary part of the diet.

Unlike cats, which are purely carnivorous, dogs are omnivores and their bodies need to consume vegetables. However, the proportion of vegetables consumed should not be higher than 25%, and a small amount of vegetables can benefit their health.

But not all vegetables are suitable for dogs to eat, in addition to our familiar onion food, what food can not be given to the dog to eat it? Let’s learn more about it.


In fact, strictly speaking, mushrooms are not considered a harmful vegetable for dogs, we do not want dogs to eat mushrooms because we do not want them to be familiar with the taste of mushrooms.

Once the dog has tasted the mushroom, it will think that all mushrooms are edible, so it is easy to eat poisonous mushrooms in the wild accidentally.


Peas are rich in potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B and other nutrients, making them a very good vegetable for humans. But this does not mean that dogs are also suitable to eat peas. The dog’s own digestive system is not sound enough, the gastrointestinal function is weak.

Peas are a difficult food to digest, and dogs can easily get flatulence from eating peas, and in serious cases, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed peas to dogs.

Bean Sprouts

Bean sprouts are crisp, juicy and nutritious, and many people like them very much. But for dogs, bean sprouts are not a good ingredient. Dogs do not digest bean sprouts well, so it is best to eat less if you can.

Especially for dogs with poor gastrointestinal function, owners should not feed bean sprouts, otherwise it will only aggravate the dog’s gastrointestinal tract problems.


Leek dumplings it does not smell? Aroma! But for dogs, leeks are highly toxic. Leeks contain a lot of sulfide, which can damage the blood components of dogs, causing anemia and even damage to the bone marrow of dogs.

In addition, leeks are irritating food, dogs can easily cause enteritis after eating, there will be vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. So leek dumplings are delicious or the owner to enjoy it slowly, do not feed the dog to eat leeks.


Tomatoes contain alkaloids and atropine, which can lead to dog poisoning and endanger the life of your dog if consumed in excess. Some dog foods add tomatoes to the formula because a small amount of cooked tomatoes is safe.

However, in our daily lives, we do not have a good grasp of this amount, and the tomatoes themselves do not have much of the nutrition that dogs need, so there is no need to feed your dog tomatoes.

What are the foods that dogs can eat?

In fact, there are still many vegetables that dogs can eat, such as carrots, broccoli, pumpkins, cucumbers, radishes, sweet potatoes, potatoes, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, bell peppers and so on, which can provide nutritional elements for the growth of dogs, but also to help digestion.

What are the points to note when feeding vegetables to dogs

  • 1. When preparing vegetables for dogs, it is best to separate from the family meal to avoid excessive seasoning.
  • 2. All dog food ingredients must be chopped, cooked. Remember to be cooked through.
  • 3. Feeding vegetables must adhere to the principle of small amounts, do not feed as a staple food.

Can diabetic dogs eat celery?

Diabetic dogs can eat celery, but must pay attention to the right amount to be able to.

Can dogs eat carrots?

Dogs are allowed to eat carrots. Carrots can be boiled directly, or steamed for dogs to eat, you can also chop carrots into puree, add the right amount of olive oil and mix into dog food to feed, or make nutritious dog food for dogs. It is best not to give your dog raw carrots directly, as the dog’s vitamin A in raw carrots is not absorbed. Because vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, insoluble in water, vitamin A without lipids dissolved in the dog’s body can not be absorbed metabolism.

Can dogs eat onions?

Dogs should never, ever eat onions. Onions are poison for dogs, deadly poison. So when you find a dog eating onions, you must be sent to a regular hospital in time to induce vomiting, a little is a little.

Can dogs eat broccoli?

Dogs can eat broccoli, and broccoli is good for your dog’s health, but you need to pay attention to the method and dosage when consuming it. Dogs are omnivores, which means they can benefit from a diet that includes both plants and meat. Vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients and low in fat, so they can be very healthy for dogs as long as no fats or flavorings are added.

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